Speeches and Workshops
It’s more than 25 years of career focused on major transformations of people. There were more than 100 events in Brazil and abroad. I also teach courses and workshops in large and renowned companies and I am part of some universities.
My experience allows me to offer pre-established content like the ones below or create customized content according to your needs.
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That's 12 hours dedicated to you.
Only 20 people.
The act of tracking your ancestral biological data raises your awareness and brings benefits in the short, medium and long term. Through a combination of information and individual experimentation, we are increasingly empowered to take responsibility for ourselves. Is this what you are looking for?
Only by indication
How to do a 2-day immersion in the spirit of dining at home? Maybe this is every mentor's dream: to create an environment where people feel light, at ease, like having a dinner with friends. That is, a focused and welcoming environment at the same time. For this reason, Flávia welcomes and accommodates a person or a couple in her home so that quality time with the person is possible, but without losing the family bond. It's literally 48 hours with her. Only 12 people per year, super selected and by indication. You arrive at night to sleep and it is already dawn in the immersion, on you. A dream for few.
Only 20 people.
I immersed myself in a journey of research and experience about happiness to reach fullness. I started with science, I went looking for scientific evidence in formal research in economics, anthropology, medicine, psychology, chemistry, neuroscience and behavior, biohacking and many other topics that lead us to live in society as a human race. When I completed all these studies, I followed my intuition and inspiration and brought to light the practice of ancestral knowledge. Something that is part of my DNA and that I practice in my daily life.
Only 20 people.
How long are you going to repeat to yourself, “I can't stop! I need a medicine that makes me more productive.” Should you endlessly pursue that “better me” in all aspects of life? Living this life of spinning on a wheel that never stops is a life filled with cowardice. Do you want to know how to get out of this never-ending cycle of not being you?
There are 12 hours dedicated to you.
Only 20 people
We ancient biohackers are the yogis of the new times. We believe in learning and improving based on empirical knowledge, scientific testing and practical experience. All connected with this immense universe we live in. A process that happens in 3 simple steps: collect extraordinary internal data, make deep personal changes and analyze precious results.
You can take me to your city, your country and, who knows, even to another planet (laughs)
Lecture - from 50 minutes to 2 hours of activities involving the audience in an awakening
Workshops - from 4 to 10 hours of activities involving content + exercises and definition of concepts + exchange of experiences
*At the end of each lecture or workshop, an exclusive 30 minutes are always available for exchanging experiences, chatting and prompting questions.