Tailored Meditation
Flávia has been a scholar and meditator for more than 25 years. Meditating is like running. No one starts doing 30 minutes in the best way. You have to practice slowly. So having a person with experience can make it easier for the individual or the group to become more fit to meditate is fundamental. Our intention in the IDHL is to spread more and more the idea of full people, quiet minds, connected and self-aware same. Our challenge is to spread the state of fullness to the greatest number of people, including businesses. The benefits are many. Meditation decreases anxiety, improves depression, improves chronic pain, decreases heart rate, controls blood pressure, improves sleep increases focus and performance at work. It creates softer relationships and prevents breakouts of impatience and anger. In business, it helps in conflict resolution, emotional balance, and increased creativity.
Clinically what happens and that your body receives oxygen also in its endings. In your brain receiving oxygen, it can also spread oxygen throughout the body. This conscious breathing that you do through your diaphragm can trigger all this oxygen doing
with which your cells also become smarter and can eliminate unnecessary toxins for the understanding of life. One of the most important things that happens is that you eliminate the cortisol thrown into your blood by yourself in times of stress.
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