Ways to live

When people are free to move wherever they want, to live as they please and to allocate their time, energy and money in displaying the traits they want, they will discover some fabulous new ways to live and display.Humans may never give up their drive to raise status, respect, prestige, sexual attractiveness, and popularity, but those impulses can be channeled toward a much higher quality of life than rampant consumerism can offer. We can display our good form with more individuality, ingenuity and clarification.

Excerpt from the book Darwin goes shopping for Geoffrey Miller

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Positive impressions

The main source of positive impressions is Mother Nature herself – the impressions of the sky, the mountains, the forests, the gardens, the rivers, and the ocean. Who does not feel enraptured having around beautiful natural landscapes? A large part of our present psychological restlessness is due only to alienation from Nature, which deprives us of natural impressions to the well-being of the mind. Instead of assimilating positive natural impressions, we fill our minds with the artificial sensations of our artificial world. Just as canned food affects the body, “canned” impressions should harm the mind.

We can create our own positive impressions. Much of what is called art is an attempt to create a higher level of impressions that affect our inner being. Religion aims to reach this goal through rituals, mantras, or visualization.

Excerpt from the Book An Ayurvedic View of the Mind of Dr David Frawley

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The behavioral brain

Embedded in the middle of the upper and lower brain is the behavioral brain. Like the visceral brain, it is mostly unconscious or automatic, but it can become conscious if necessary, and so we can drive to work without actually being aware of each step of the process. The actions we ultimately choose in our daily lives originate in the behavioral brain. Philosophers call this the “practical” part of our nature; Freud called it ego.The behavioral is trapped in a perpetual act of balance: to reconcile blind forces of the demands of the visceral brain and the lofty ideals of the superior brain of what we must do. CONTINUE READING “The behavioral brain” »