The power of love

The power of love

The ideal is love. Of course, if love ruled the world there would be no war. I’m scared to say that because it seems so cheesy. But what brings peace? What brings harmony? Love. And what brings discord is the flesh, the desire, the will to have immediately. It is the lack of love. And that is what war generates, the physical. People fight because they want what belongs to each other. And in love there is no such thing. In love we do not want to take anything from the other. But when I talk about love, people always find me stubborn.

Love is a mixture of values. All these things that we talk about: tolerance, patience, understanding, companionship, sharing … Love is knowing how to be critical, is to know how to listen. These values ​​are serene and very important for development. And when we are loving, we illuminate these values ​​because we want to give the other our best.

Love has to exist in all relationships, even at work. Because otherwise we will always want the place of the other, without generosity. And it is love that makes us good and generous.

I think the world can not live this ideal thing that would be love because love is perennial. It has no ups and downs, it’s continuous. But the human being is not so by nature. He has desire, wants adrenaline. And this quest for strong emotions all the time causes people to distance themselves from love and approach passion, immediate fulfillment. It is the conquest of the immediate money, of the immediate success, of the immediate friendship. People have lost a bit of the notion of reality. Reality became the same passion, the immediate conquest, instead of the serenity of gradually conquering a space in the world. This is incompatible with love, which is a building.

The way to change the world through love is something many people are trying to find, is not it? If I had known, I’d be rich, millionaire. And not just money, no, but it would be the richest person in the world! I try to find this path in some ways, and I think the first step is to love yourself, to have patience, and to tolerate yourself. And then start to be more subtle. Love is in subtleties, in doing small things to people, listening more, observing, being kind to grace. That makes us more loving. And it generates love in the other. Just notice what you see: a quiet person creates tranquility; a restless person causes restlessness. With love is the same. And humanity will have peace when someone finds the way to spread love as an epidemic.

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